Clean dog urin from the carpet

How to get pee smell out of carpet

Are you a pet owner who’s struggling to remove dog urine stains and odors from your carpet? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. While accidents happen, choosing the right approach can effectively remove the stain and odor. Acting quickly, blotting the area, applying a cleaning solution, rinsing the area, removing any remaining odor, and repeating if necessary are the key steps to follow. This article explores the effective stepwise guide, different tips, and methods to consider when carpet cleaning for dog urine. So, let’s get started and say goodbye to those not-so-pleasant smells.

Stepwise Guide on How to Clean Dog Urine from Carpet

With the unpleasant smell and inconveniences dog urine can cause, it’s important to choose the best procedure to get rid of it. Here is a step-by-step guide on carpet cleaning for dog urine:

Step 1. Soak up the urine

The longer urine remains on the carpet, the more challenging it becomes to remove the stain and odor. It’s essential to act quickly and address the urine stain as soon as possible. Start by placing a substantial stack of paper towels on the damp surface and covering it with a thick layer of newspaper. Consider standing on this padding for about a minute and repeat until the area is barely damp.

Step 2. Apply an effective cleaning solution

Vinegar and water solution or pet-specific enzymatic cleaner are effective cleaning solutions for removing dog urine from carpets. Enzymatic cleaners will help break down the urine and eliminate the odor, while vinegar and water solution neutralize the odor and disinfect the area. Start by mixing equal parts distilled white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Then, spray the solution on the stain and blot well. With vinegar helping to neutralize the ammonia in the urine, you can use it to neutralize the smell and clean the area.

Step 3. Rinse the area

Thoroughly rinse the “accident zone” with clean, cool water and blot dry. This step is important to remove any remaining vinegar solution and urine residue.

Step 4. Use a pet odor neutralizer

Utilize a premium pet odor neutralizer for effective odor control to get rid of the smell and make it free of dirt or contaminants. Manufacturers design pet odor neutralizers to break down the odor-causing molecules in urine and other pet messes.

Step 5. Sprinkle baking soda

To address a dried urine stain, apply a liberal quantity of baking soda onto the affected area. Allows the baking soda to sit for a while. Vacuum up the baking soda to remove any remaining odor. Baking soda can also work as a natural deodorizer to help absorb any lingering smells.

Step 6. Rinse the area

Rinsing the area with clean water after using a vinegar and water solution is essential. It helps to remove any residue and prevent damage to the carpet fibers.

Step 7. Repeat if necessary

Some stains may be tough to deal with. For tough stains or older urine spots, you may need to repeat the cleaning process multiple times. Repeating the process severally helps remove the stain and odor completely.

Tips and Methods on How to Effectively Clean Dog Urine from Carpet

Here are some tips and methods on how to clean dog urine from carpet:

  • Act quickly – The longer urine remains on the carpet, the more challenging it becomes to remove. So, it’s essential to act quickly and address the urine stain as soon as possible.
  • Consult experts – If the stain or odor persists, consider seeking professional help from carpet cleaning experts.
  • Rinse with cool water – After applying the cleaning solution, rinse the area with cool water to remove any remaining residue.
  • Dry the area – Allow the spot to air dry completely. You can use a fan or open windows to help with the drying process.
  • Neutralize the odor – To remove any lingering odor, you can sprinkle baking soda over the area after it has dried.
  • Dry the area – Allow the spot to air dry completely. You can use a fan or open windows to help with the drying process.


Cleaning dog urine from a carpet can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, you can do it effectively. Acting quickly, blotting the area, applying a cleaning solution, blotting the stain again, rinsing the area, and repeating if necessary are the key steps to follow. It’s important to use the right cleaning solution, be patient in the process, and act quickly to prevent any lingering odors or stains. For dried stains, professional help is recommended as it can be challenging to tackle independently. Following these steps ensures effective carpet cleaning for dog urine to keep it fresh and stain-free.

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